Audiovisual media in L2 teaching and learning

The main aim of the project is to develop teaching methods and material for the use in language teaching for the languages relevant to partner institutions. There will be a special focus on issues of intercultural communication and non native speakers' integration. After conducting research into the use of audiovisual media in L2 teaching the partners will  develop audiovisual material and various activities and consequently test the developed material in their classes. After a period of trial and adaptation the material as well as suggestions for its use will be published on the project's website.
During the project's duration partners from ** EU countries will meet in order to discuss the issues in question, state criteria for the development of teaching material using audiovisual media, discuss possible problems arising from the use of such material and their solutions. The program will also include presentations of the developed material and the methodology in the local community with the organization of teacher training events and presentations. After the end of the project the developed material will be accessible on the projects' website together with relevant articles, information about research, interesting links. etc. The aim is to continue working together even after the end of the project continuously updating the website.

2012-1-CY1-GRU06-02392 3

IIK Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation e.V. (D)
Institut für die Förderung von Mehrsprachigkeit, interkulturelle Kompetenzen und Gleichbehandlung (AT)
1°Istituto di istruzione sec.sup. “M.Raeli” (IT)
The London School of Economics and Political Science (GB)

Kentro Dia Viou Mathisis Vios / Bios Life Long Learning Centre (CY)

Dr. Martin Hahn/Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wazel

IIK Ansbach, Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Platz 7, 91522 Ansbach